Colourful enough, Chris?

In response to Chris’ complaint about the site looking too white and virginal …

How about this …?!

12 thoughts on “Colourful enough, Chris?”

  1. How about what? I don’t see anything it’s still white

  2. oh the perimeter lol well pink is good I think
    well depending on the mood lol
    ok it’s FECKEN GREAT

  3. it’s not pink?
    what color is it?
    oh NO I am color blind
    it’s not purple is it?

  4. Brigid, why do all you females like feckin pink? Could you not include some feckin blue for the boys???

  5. Yes, Willie’s got to be fuckin’ (oops, there’s my American accent again — I meant “feckin'”) happy now. And I think he’ll especially like the little yellow duckie too.

    — john

  6. Feck. Haven’t you guys any taste? Looks to me like you prefer the “teenage” background themes to my original. Yellow duckie it is!!!! LOL

  7. Willie is never happy unless his glass is two turds full, or has a motorcycle that does NOT break down lol
    Unfortunately he has neither

    ps I just remembered he has a cup that’s two turds full

  8. Ah Brigid, that’s a bit ducking better, could do with some more gadgets for the boys though! Any games we could play. That’d be massive!!!

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