8 thoughts on “Happy Halloween from Rose …”

  1. Excellent! Chris, Flo, et. al., I never realized you were so talented. Out-feckin’-standing!

    — john

  2. Would you believe that Doris didn’t recognize ME?? Our grandson had to tell her who it was!

    — john

  3. John, I recognized you
    I hope you feel better now lol
    Florence thought you made a good vampire, you look good in black.
    chris and flo sanfilippo

  4. I didn’t recognise Chris at first. The video froze up, leaving this hideous gawping face on my screen … sorry Chris, lol!

    John, the cape suits you – and I particularly like the casting of Jim as the weirwolf.

  5. Rose, that truly was outstanding. BTW, do you remember (the millenium run in 2000) when I actually had black hair?? Now I’m looking forward to what you will do for Thanksgiving. Who will be the turkey? I nominate Chris.

    — john

  6. TURKEY?
    I resent that, make me a weasel, a ferratte, a domkey,a goat, but NOT a TURKEY. ( they eat those) lol
    come let’s show Rose some ingenuity, can we not top that lol
    it was good Rose

  7. No, no, no, Chris. We need to have a turkey for Thanksgiving and everyone here knows it has to be either you or me. So I’m nominating you — even though I’ll admit that you might be a better weasel or donkey (or, more properly, an ass). LOL.

    — john

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