16 thoughts on “Ode to Forgetfulness”

  1. well, you had Florence in stiches, nice song and I think I knew the words must’ve forgotten them.

    vvery nice Brigid

  2. I had seen that before, but it’s still quite funny! Thanks for posting, Brigid.

    How’s your mum?

    — john

  3. Stoughton, you make me laugh

    did you know the words?? Listen . closer let me whisper in your ear, ” your too old to remember”
    sanfilippo here

  4. _I_ make YOU laugh?? Chris, check out Rose’s latest post on Multiply. (And first take note that she knows when the REAL Thanksgiving is!) She wanted so badly to make a video like the Halloween one she made with you as the turkey instead of Dr. Frankenstein this time. You would have been recognized IMMEDIATELY by EVERYONE in that! LOL.

    — john

  5. lol very funny First of all Thanksgiving is over
    second Rose posted a video that George sent her, what’s the matter with George? couldn’t he do it? I seen the video so patriotic, but Geroge still can’t give condolences for Mike Kelm, the end of the road sign, in Santa Monica is more important.
    I’m smiling

  6. Yep, good point, Chris. Also notice that you and I are no longer on George’s “distribution list” (i.e., he sent it to Rose, but not to us). Now there’s a surprise, isn’t it??

  7. John, lol now you come to say it, neither are we. Every cloud has a silver lining, eh?

    You guys need to start posting new threads. Otherwise Rose gets the impression that it’s just me keeping this site going. New comments on old posts aren’t so easily seen. But I agree with you. George sees the MRRR as some sort of massive ego trip rather than the family of friends that the rest of us have nurtured over the years.

  8. Brigid,

    Don’t remember if I told you in previous correspondences, but Doris has never liked George very much and always warned me that he was too “controlling”. I recognized what she was talking about, but always felt that I could put up with his “idiosyncrasies” — until this past summer. Things just went waaay too far this year. I just can’t envision myself riding with him again. Too bad too; there are still some things I like about George. But all in all I think riding with him in the future would be way too stressful for me.

    Enough about George. Let’s keep the conversations upbeat!

    — john

  9. John What distribution list???
    Maybe I should get on multiply and ask why You and I ar not on.

  10. can Rose and Donnie get this feck it site???
    is she reading these posts???


  11. Chris, Chris, Chris:

    You feckin’ idjet. Rose got a “Happy Thanksgiving” message from George which she copied and put on the Multiply site for everyone to read. I just pointed out that since we didn’t get it from George (as Rose did), we must not be on his distribution list any more. (And then Brigid noted what a blessing that is. LOL!)

    I don’t know if Rose can get on this feckin’ site or not. Ask Brigid.

    — john

  12. lol boy am I slow or what?
    As I pointed out, Geprge is dancing to the beat of a Different Drummer.

    I phoned you tonight, you were shovelling snow right.
    and contrary to Canadian belief



  13. Well, I suppose it’s hard to blame her; the majority of folks at this site are not very good at following orders!(He he.)

    — john

  14. lol good one John lol

    Brigid thanks for the info well I guess I’ll just have to look at their site and not post ( but I sure get tempted )

    I noticed when I posted that I’d rather take Viagra than Cialis Pam took the Cialis post off. Now why couldn’t she have done that for the Brandi problems. Oh well???


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