Happy Valentine’s Day

Very little chatter here lately. Do you ferriners celebrate St. Valentine’s Day? If so, have a happy VD. If not, have a great day anyway!

4 thoughts on “Happy Valentine’s Day”

  1. Happy “VD”?! I think I’ll pass, thanks …

    Today (13th) would have been my father’s birthday. My very Catholic paternal grandmother apparently swallowed a whole bottle of caster oil in order not to have to call him “Valentine”.

    It is my uncle’s birthday on Monday (15th). My maternal grandmother apparently crossed her legs for 24 hours for the same reason lol!

  2. Yes, one of the reasons I have always enjoyed Valentine’s Day is that the phrase “Happy V.D.” can have two entirely different, if perhaps not completely unrelated, meanings. LOL. (I guess that gives you a hint at my very wierd sense of humor.)

    And again, where the hell is everyone??

    — john

  3. I’m here
    and I’m full of VD (thanks to Flo) lol I took my valentine out for supper and I think she still loves me.
    Ok Role call where is everyone? see if we can get them to say HI

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